Flavonoid and Flavonoid glycosicle from Butea superba

Roxb. and their cAMP Phosphodiesterase Inhibitory Activity. Sophon Roengsurnran*, Amorn Petsoin*, Nattays Ngamrojanavanich*, Thanatip Rugsilp*, Pailin Sittiwicheanwong*, Prapas Khorphueng*, Wicha Cherdshewasartt*, and Chaiyo Chaichantipyuth*** *Department of Chemistry, “Department of Biology, Faculty or Science, ***Department of Pharmacognocy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongknm University, Bangkok 10330. Thailand. ABSTRACT Flavonoid (3, 7, 3′-Trihydroxy-4′-methoxyflavone) (1) and flavonoid glycoside (3, […]